Aviva’s Best Doctors
November 9, 2013

Best Doctors offers a world-class second medical opinion service by drawing on the knowledge of medical experts. It helps to ensure that you have the right diagnosis, leading to the right treatment and the right care
If you have access to Best Doctors and are diagnosed with a significant medical condition, you can call Best Doctors and a leading medical specialist will review your diagnosis and treatment. You will be guided through the medical process, helping you to understand your options and giving you and your treating doctor the necessary information, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatment.
- 17% had a change in diagnosis
- 32% had a change in treatment
Best Doctors will only share your report with your treating doctor if you authorise Best Doctors to do so. The goal of Best Doctors is to provide useful information so that you and your doctor are able to make more informed decisions together regarding treatment. Treating doctors who have worked with Best Doctors appreciate having access to respected experts in their field of practice. They also gain access to information regarding innovative diagnostic and treatment protocols that might not be available to them otherwise.
How does Best Doctors build its network of specialists?
Doctors are selected through a comprehensive review process. In participating countries, doctors are selected through a peer-driven survey conducted by Best Doctors. Doctors are asked questions in this survey to find out which doctors they trust most. Every doctor surveyed answers the question: “If you or a loved one needed a doctor in a certain speciality, who would you choose?” Best Doctors has grown its global database to more than 53,000 specialists and subspecialists, over the past 20+ years. Doctors cannot buy themselves into the database, nor do they pay fees to be included. The only way the doctors can be accepted into the database is through a peer-reviewed poll.
See video of how it works here.
When Should You Call Best Doctors
Best Doctors assists members with a wide range of medical challenges, from back pain to surgery to life-threatening illnesses. You should call Best Doctors if:
- You are looking for a second opinion related to anything from a straightforward surgical procedure to a chronic condition or a serious illness
- You are questioning a diagnosis and/or treatment plan
- You have questions about a medical condition, treatment, test results or personal health issue
- You need help understanding a diagnosis, treatment plan or medical condition
- You need help managing your symptoms
Important notes
- One policy can cover you, your spouse or partner and your children up to 18 or 23 if they are in full time education.
- Best Doctor’s don’t apply any exclusions for pre-existing conditions
If you are uncertain about whether Best Doctors can help, do not hesitate to call. It’s your health – be absolutely sure.